Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Post 10

YAY!! I get to go home Friday!! It's so close it's unreal. I mean I like this school place and all. Anywhere near mommy is great but at home home I have a friend to play with. Minnie is mom's dog and she likes to play with me. I tease her a little bit because I know she's blind and can't catch me but it's still funny. I like to take her bones too. Momma doesn't get me that kind and I wish she did. They're so great. I'm just too excited to say anything else!! bye!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Post 9

Hi my little blogger friends! How are you today? I'm a little energetic today. Mom has let me out a lot the past couple of days but today I just feel extra spunky. Maybe because I missed her when she left. So now I'm just happy she's back again. You see, she had to go to Daytona, FL for another cheerleading competition. She was gone for 4 days!! Who leaves their little girl for 4 days in a freaking row??!! I'm still a little bitter about it. I guess she did warn me though... and she left me with her awesome roommates who give me treats when she's not looking. So it wasn't all too bad. I just missed her a lot. When she came home she brought great news that the University's cheer team got 7th in the nation. I still have yet to figure out what that means but she seemed super excited about it so I was too. And she gave me lots of hugs and kisses when she came back.. a little more than I really wanted but it was nice to know she missed me. Today is a super rainy day. It's gloomy outside which means mom stays in with me alllllll day (: Sometimes I just sit in my cage even though the door stays open but if mom isn't here then it's shut and I don't even have the option of running around. She keeps telling me I'm going back to her home soon. Preparing me for the car ride I guess. They don't bother me that bad though. She keeps me in my cage with food and water and if I'm really good I get a treat so it's totally worth it. This assignment is almost over though. I'll be back to a responsibility-less piggy. I kind of can't wait, to be completely honest.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Post 8

My birthday is coming up!! Mom is so excited about it. I can't believe I'm going to be a year old. This past year has been such a roller coaster of events. I mean, I went from a pet store to a home, to a dorm, back to a home and then back to a different dorm. I'm pretty used to the trips now and my mommy always gives me treats when I'm a good girl on the ride. I won't be able to see daddy for my birthday though. That makes me a little sad and I know momma is real upset about it too. We haven't seen him in a while and she seems to just be happier when he's around. And I love when we're all together as a family. Oh well. I hope he at least wishes me a happy birthday. I wonder if he even remembers? Anyway, mom is leaving me on Wednesday for some big cheer event. She just keeps saying she's so  excited for Daytona. She hasn't quite explained to me what Daytona is though. Some cheer competition,  yeah I got that. But I still have yet to figure out what that means. Oh well.. She had one this past saturday and came back all so excited because her team got first place against 5 other teams. She said it was a really big win for them. Plus they got an awesome trophy, a banner, and jackets. She gets so overly excited about some things. But then again when she opens that fridge to give me some spinach I get super excited too. So I guess I can understand where it comes from. Guess i'll hear all about her trip when she's back. Then i'll regurgitate it to you. Until then I have a piggy life to live. Check up later dudes!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Post 7

Yesterday was wednesday.. That means cage cleaning day!! I was super excited. When mom was done I layed right in the middle of my clean bedding. She keeps talking she's going to give me a bath though. That's probably not a good thing. I don't like them. I feel like she just gave me one a couple days ago, even though it's probably been a month. Mom is sick. She keeps going on a rant about how ugly her throat is. I wonder if mine is ugly? What does it even look like? Oh well, she's just complaining to complain. She had another competition this past weekend. She told me her team did very well but they went against Towson so there was no way they were actually going to win. Win what though? I don't even know what they were playing. It's not worth doing if you don't get a carrot though. I'd do anything for a nice orang carrot. and to think I used to not eat them. I was a strange little girl.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Post 6

Oh man I've been a busy piggy. I haven't been here in a couple weeks. Mom said the requirements changed though so it's not a big deal and she's not mad. She's been so busy lately I haven't even had a ton of time to run. Then I get stuck in my cage all day and I'm bored and have to sit by the cold window. That just is not fair to me. She just came back today saying she got first at another competition. That's good right? I mean last weekend she got first and then this weekend she got first. I'd want to be first if I was going to be competing for something. Although I'm not so sure what it is she's competing for.. I know she's a cheerleader but she's not like competing for a carrot or anything. So what does she win? Wish I could ask but she just tends to ignore what I say; or tell me to be quiet. She's a feisty thing sometimes. Momma was all excited when she came back from class and said her classmates liked her poem....... Well they're not going to tell you they didn't like it, dumb dumb!! She can be so ignorant sometimes. She keeps getting darker too. Like skin tone wise. Does that happen with everyone? I don't really understand what's going on. I've only been alive for like a year but I know the smell of spring, which means my birthday is coming up, and it smells GREAT! I totally smelled it the other day. Just letting you all know. Apparently this week is going to be really nice. Maybe mom will take me outside to eat some fresh grass. I just can't get enough of that stuff.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Post 5

Mom didn’t go to her first class this morning. She said she was sleep deprived. I believe her. She was saying weird things and doing things she only does when she’s lacking sleep. I don’t mind. Just means more time I have with her! She isn’t really talking to me right now though… I think because she’s busy, not because she’s mad at me. I didn’t do anything yet today. I know she has work later that she’s going to complain about. She always talks about her kids. I know they aren’t really HER kids but they’re in her cheer class so she calls them hers. She says they’re really loud and don’t listen very well. I’ve noticed that if you put a bunch of girls in one room, they don’t stay quiet for long. Either they’re all best friends and joking about something or they’re all being catty. I wish I could learn from my friends but the only friends I have are mom’s friends. She says she can’t handle another me. Not with school at least. So one day I should have a friend. Dad doesn’t want me to have a boyfriend though. He says bad things will happen but the way I see it I’d at least have a friend who sees things through my eyes. I can’t really complain though. If there was another me I’d have to share everything: my cage, my food, my toys, and my parent’s love. I don’t think I’m quite ready for that. I like having all that to myself. Not that I’m selfish or anything. So I believe I’m up to date on these posts now. And right before the weekend too. Hopefully it’s not a boring weekend here. Mom’s friend said he was going to come visit me later today. And I really like him. So hopefully he doesn’t let me down. I could use a little change of scenery.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Post 4

Mom just got done cutting my nails. It’s slightly easier to type now… I guess. I really don’t like when she does that. It’s so scary. She takes these big clippers and snips away at my beautiful nails. They’re so long and scratchable. They are a defense mechanism. She’s trying to make me too domestic. I did get a carrot out of it though. Usually I get carrots and spinach at night. Which I now know contains Vitamin C and Vitamin A because that’s the only thing I’ve heard about the last couple of days. I’ll forget soon though. It has no relevance to me; I just want to eat it. When I hear the fridge open I give momma a little squeal so she knows I heard the fridge and if I don’t get my treats I’ll be real upset. Tomorrow is Wednesday and that’s cage cleaning day. I get to run around in a new clean fluffy bed. I mean I’m only in there at night really but still, it’s nice to be clean. I got to see my daddy this weekend. That was a nice surprise. I mean I like him and all, but he doesn’t pay attention to me like mommy does so it’s hard to make him my favorite. He only let me run for a couple minutes while mommy was at practice. Sometimes mommy lets me run when she’s not even here. But then I can’t fight the urge to chew a wire so I’m not left alone out of the cage often anymore. I guess that’s my own fault. Wires just feel so good on my teeth. So does paper. Especially homework. For some reason that just tastes the best and if it’s laying on the floor I’ll steal it. Not my fault they were irresponsible to leave it on the floor. I mean, the floor is my territory. If it’s on the floor, it’s mine. End of story.